Still Life by Sarah Winman


5* out of 5, must read.

Ulysses Temper, a young soldier from London, Meets Evelyn Skinner, a 64 year old art historian, and, as you would expect, their lives are changed as a result.

Still Life follows both from their chance meeting in 1944 Florence through the following decades. 

If you have read A Year of Marvellous Ways and loved it then make sure you pick this one up. This is one of those books I would love to start all over again and experience it for the first time over and over. 

Packed with colourful yet believable characters and an occasional homage to EM Forster, this story explores all the things and people that move us and keep us keeping on, this is such a beautiful read.

I'll admit I wasn't struck by it immediately, the initial heavy references to A Room with View went over my head a little, but I am so glad I persevered. The characters develop and link in with each other just as if you, the reader, are slowly getting to know them over time. Sarah Winman manages to write in a lyrical way without falling into cliché or overloading the page with adjectives. She explores friendship, love and loyalty in their many forms and with all the pains and pleasures of lives well-lived thrown in.

Recommended for those who are romantically minded but that don't need romance to follow the hetero-normative linear path
that we are so often sold.


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